Sunday, January 10, 2010

Water Scarcity

When I was a kid , I learnt that Air, water, food are three basic things to survive. I grew up, the fact remain same, only that all the three are getting short in supply for people like me.

I picked up water because Air and food scarcity are two extremes for me to comprehend. Any ways coming to water scarcity , a lot of people are still under the impression that 71% of the earth water bodies. No only 3% of of that's 71% is suitable for human drinking. So if we have 100L water bodies for 100 people only 2.13L is suitable to drink rest is ocean water.

Anyway to learn more about the scarcity read this World Health Organization (WHO) presentation

We are quickly exhausting fresh water bodies, as population is increasing rapidly or demand for water is increasing and supply is choking
Abuse of water in developing country is mind-boggling, soleley because of awareness

The general public needs to made aware , why , how and where we should conserve water.

Cost-effective recycling of water
Rainwater harvesting

Use twitter, LinkedIn, facebook, to spread awareness about creating drinking and saving drinking water.
Pool your ideas, link with people, synergies communities working with people.

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