Thursday, August 26, 2021

Mother you are here!

In every mother, I see you, my mother!

For mothers are everywhere, as they are sometimes your father, brother, sister, and torchbearer!

Having a mother is like having no fear, not having a mother is sometimes an eye full of tears!

Having you just around was enough to always have a smile, having you is not like I am lost for a mile!

But oh mother I know you are always there because you are in my heart right here!

Monday, February 08, 2021

One ...

One day I will go and meet my mother wherever she is. 

One year I have seen death and birth!

One month of hope and despair!

One day everything will be ok.

One day I will look behind and see what have I done for that one day.

One moment I sometimes regret, but that moment is gone.

One thing for sure, I want to leave for many lives.

One moment of despair, but you will rise from that despair.

One mother, I lost, but she is always there in my many mothers.

*I wrote this in dedication to the Mother of a dear friend, who I lost to Covid19 and it reminded me of my own Mother. Mothers are just special!