Saturday, June 03, 2006


Observation a very simple word, but can have a lot of impact on our lives.I f we simply observe our life both in terms of our profession and our personal lives. We can find out whether we are in control of lives or not. Most of the people have this inbuilt fear that if they do such introspection only the darker side of life turns up. What I believe is, if we observe our life impartially we can identify elements which are influencing our life and once we identify these elements, we also get the solutions with.T he way to a content life is weeding out these elements from our daily routine. Our fate is in our hands not with anybody else.

1 comment:

Chandan said...

I totally agree with you. Observation and debugging should be part of a perennial loop running through our lives.

One who stops reinventing himself heads towards obsolescence.