Sunday, November 29, 2009

Its indeed a Sunday afternoon, and I am in front of my mirror,
She look into my eyes and says there are some unspoken thoughts
I ask her why some thoughts are unspoken , she replies they are meant to be unspoken
I ask her how can I share this thoughts, she has you need to have guts,
I ask her I am not afraid of my thoughts, the mirror says you be afraid if your feeling will be hurt
I Ask Mirror, why people have expectations, she says life is based on an Inspiration,
I ask her what’s that inspiration, she says that’s what is your expectation
I ask her what my expectation, she says love is your inspiration
I ask her why people are afraid of love, she says for it’s a treasure trove
I ask the mirror do you love anybody, she says smiles like a rose poppy
I ask her are you tired of my stupid questions, she says that its me who is answering the questions,
I ask the mirror who are you, she say I am you………….

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Well the movie 2012 is creating a lot of hype . But some 4 months back me and some of my friends made 2012 as our d-day. How some super normal friend of our introduced us to something called mayan calender . Which was a instant hit for party mongers like us. For every reason to booze we told each other that world will come to an end in 2012 so lets party. Mayan calender become an excuse for delaying SIP's, splurging money on parties, shopping blah blah. I even started bugging my married friends that stop worrying about home loans, just enjoy the moment, become parents asap, live the complete life before 2012. Anyways that was a fad and it went by .

With the movie 2012, I see a lot of people getting scared that 12/12/12 world will come to an end. But if see it like this 12/12/2012 so the next date will be 12/12/2112 so that's again 12/12/12, so the whole damn thing about 12/12/12 is simply super normal idiotic.

Okay, now the twist whats the previous date 12/12/12 its 12/12/1912. I checked in the wiki to see what happened in 1912 if anything weird.

Now the only weird thing that happened in 1912 was that Titanic sank. But that's not my take. More than that I saw that on 1st January 1912, The Republic of China was established.

Since I love contributing to speculation I am adding my speculation to the 2012 bandwagon. I think in 2012 China will make a move which will change the dynamics of world, what that will be I live that to the individual pool of imagination.

Thanks for bearing this weird blog.


Friday, November 06, 2009

Cost cutting

I think the basic premises, why companies go for cost-cutting is because they think its an instant relief to their cash management. I believe a lot of you will agree that such tactics (not strategic) are myopic.

Cutting cost should replace by prioritizing cost. We have to create a three tier cost structure , where cost should be clubbed under three tiers

Golden Cost: Long-term and short term investments that are immediately affecting my cash-inflow from a strategic point of view. This cost should be least altered as any apathy toward them will take the fleet down E.g. Salary/incentives of Sales folks,

Silver Cost: These investments are those cost which have medium to long-term impact on the business cash-flow. E.g. Leasing a new office for a 90 people. We have to speak to the operations, HR, Technology team if its possible to facilitate at least 50% of this new head counts to work form home , this will help reduce the cash-out flow on 45 seats.

Iron(ing) Cost: These are real cost that is not directly matched to top line. E.g. 45K USD Print advertisement by Grocery retail chain for weekend offer in a national daily is difficult to ascertain how many readers got converted into footfalls.
Rather a below the line event involving 20K USD around the housing communities around the retail chain, can help us track actual contribution of ad-spend to top line.

The basic thumb rule should be: Will a cut on this cost affect my cash-flow adversely in the next 3-15 Months time frame.